Jack Fruit (Jak)

Botanical name;  Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.

Jack fruit

Local Names; 
  • Kos (Unripe), Wela/Waraka (Ripe); Sinhala   
  • Palappalam; Tamil

Recommended Varieties
  • Local Selections

Nutritional Value (Per 100 g edible portion)

However, this nutritional information may vary depending on variety, climatic conditions and nutrients available for growth of rambutan etc.

Medicinal Value/Uses
Jack fruit is a rich source of potassium, iron and energy; useful in blood disorders. Ripe fruit is a good source of carotene

Fruiting Season in Sri Lanka:  March – May and November – January

The seedy sections can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days and in the deep-freezer for more than 2 months

Why are they unique?

Jack fruit is one of the largest fruits in the plant kingdom. It may weigh as much as 60 kg, but normally around 7-15 kg. The plant bears fruit quite heavily from the trunk and main branches. It can withstand drought quite well.

Many Sri Lankan Jak fruit varieties have very sweet, thick pulp with a pleasant aroma. The sweet fresh pulp can be eaten fresh as dessert, dried, or canned in syrup.

Jak fruit is growing in many parts of Sri Lanka. It is very rare to find a home garden without a Jak tree in our country except in certain upcountry areas. Predominately, it is grown mostly in Wet Zone and scattered in the Dry and Intermediate Zones. As a fresh fruit, Jak fruit has a high demand in local markets. Likewise, a considerable amount of foreign exchange could be earned by exporting both fresh and processed Jak fruit products.

Potential for Jak fruit processing industry

Jak fruit is consumed as ripe fresh fruit as well as various processed products. The following value added products are available;
  • Unripe fruit: Polos Preserve
  • Ripe fruit: Cordial, Fruit in syrup
  • Seed: Dried, roasted, flour in confectionery


  • Tropical fruits of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
