Wood Apple

Wood Apple Tree
Botanical Name; Limonia acidissima L.

Local Names;     Divul ; Sinhala    Vilampalam; Tamil

Recommended varieties; Local cultivars

Nutritional Value (Per 100 g edible portion)

However, this nutritional information may vary depending on variety, climatic conditions, nutrients available for growth of wood apple etc.

Medicinal Value
  • Wood apple increases appetite and facilitates digestion. Useful in renal diseases and has some antiseptic properties.

  • Wood apple is root stock for grafting of citrus spp.

Fruiting Season in Sri Lanka – June – October

Why are they unique?

Wood apple is highly adaptive to growing conditions in Sri Lanka. . It is also received cultural value since it is utilize for “Pooja Watti” (A kind of fruit basket give for gods) in “Devala” (A place where God live). It can withstand drought to a certain extent. Its flesh is very sweet and watery with a distinct sour flavor and aroma. Wood apple is naturally grown in forests and home gardens. Currently wood apple is grown in dry zone and scattered in wet zone in Sri Lanka.

Potential for wood apple fruit processing industry

Wood apple fruit processing industry is still growing in Sri Lanka. Wood apple is used to produce different value added products such as cordial, RTS, fruit bars or leathers, cream, juice, ice cream etc. These value added products can be produced by either cottage level or large scale level. In addition to that research and development activities should initiate to identify maturity index for different types of wood apple, storage methods, environmental and consumer friendly ripening methods, development of value added products with enhanced shelf life and preserve nutritional quality etc.
Wood Apple
  • Tropical fruits of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
