Sweet Orange |
Local Names; Dodam, Peni Dodam; Sinhala Thoadai; Tamil
Recommended Varieties - Bibile Sweet, Bibile Seedless
Nutritional Value (Per 100 g edible portion)
However, this nutritional information may vary depending on variety, climatic conditions and nutrients available for growth of Sweet Orange etc.
Medicinal Value/Uses
- Predigested food, rich souce of energy; useful in fever, dyspepsia, constipation, disease of the bone, dental disease, scurvy, cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, cough and cold, acne
Fruiting Season in Sri Lanka: February - April
Why are they unique? Sweet Orange is growing in Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Predominately, it is grown in Bibile, Moneragala, Badulla, Matale, Jaffna, Puttalama, Anuradhapura and Rathnapura. As a fresh fruit, Sweet Orange has a high demand in local markets. Likewise, a considerable amount of foreign exchange could be earned by exporting both fresh and processed Sweet Orange products. Sweet Orange are widely scattered in home gardens and few small and medium scale orchards can also be found.
Potential for Sweet Orange Fruit Processing Industry
Sweet Orange is consumed as ripe fresh fruit as well as various processed products. Sweet Orange is available as cordial, juice, squash, marmalade and jams. Rinds are used for perfumery.
Sweet Orange |
- Tropical fruits of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
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