Star Fruit (Carambola, Chinese Goosberry)

Star Fruit

Botanical Name; Averrhoa carambola L.

Local Names;     Kamaranga ; Sinhala      
Recommended varieties;
  • Local selections are sour taste
  • Introduced varieties are sweet taste

Nutritional Value
  • Rich in Potassium

Medicinal Value/Uses
  • Rich Potassium source useful in the treatment of hypertension and hemorrhoids

Why are they unique?

Star fruit is highly adaptive to growing conditions in Sri Lanka. It has watery white flesh which is very sweet with a distinct flavor and aroma. Almost all the varieties of star fruit have special shape, texture, flavor, aroma and special fragrant. Star fruit is either naturally grown or cultivated in home gardens.

Potential for Star fruit processing industry

Star fruit processing industry in Sri Lanka is still not properly developed. Star fruit can be used to produce different value added products such as cordial, RTS, cream, juice, ice cream etc. These value added products can be produced by either cottage level or large scale level. In addition to that research and development activities should initiate to identify maturity index for different types of star fruit, storage methods, environmental and consumer friendly ripening methods, development of value added products with enhanced shelf life and preserve nutritional quality etc.


  •  Tropical fruits of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
