
Pomegranate Tree
Botanical Name;  Punica granatum L.

Local Names;     Delum ; Sinhala            Mathulai ; Tamil

Recommended Varieties
  • Local Cultivars

Nutritional Value (Per 100 g edible portion)

However, this nutritional information may vary depending on variety, climatic conditions and nutrients available for growth of Pomegranate etc.

Medicinal Value/Uses
  • Pomegranate is a good source of Vitamin C. Increase appetite; useful in treatment for angina, gastritis, haemorrage and dyspepsia.
  • Pomegranate develop resistance to T.B; laxative

Fruiting Season in Sri Lanka:  Year round

  • The fresh fruits can be kept for 7-8 days at room temperature (25 – 30 0C)

Why are they unique?

Pomegranate is growing in many parts of Sri Lanka. It is found in home garden and also scattered in the Wet Zone. Predominately, it is grown in Puttalam, Hambantota and Anuradhapura districts. As a fresh fruit, Pomegranate has a high nutritive value and recommended for sick people and elderly peoples. Pomegranate is an expensive fruit in local market and a considerable amount of foreign exchange could be earned by exporting both fresh and processed Pomegranate products.
Pomegranate Fruit
Potential for Pomegranate fruit processing industry

Pomegranate is consumed as ripe fresh (seed pulp) fruit as well as various processed products. Pomegranate can be used to prepare syrups or drinks. Pomegranate fruit processing industry in Sri Lanka is still not properly developed. Pomegranate can be used to produce different value added products such as jam, cordials and RTS. These value added products can be produced by either cottage level or large scale level. In addition to that research and development activities should initiate to identify maturity index for different types of Pomegranate storage methods, environmental and consumer friendly ripening methods, development of value added products with enhanced shelf life and preserve nutritional quality etc.


  • Tropical fruits of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
