Peoples’ Believes on Therapeutic Values of Herbals in Sri Lanka

The utilization of indigenous traditional medicine knowledge is vital for promoting health, prevention and curing of illnesses. In every country traditional medicines find foundation in magical or religious beliefs, or popular experience. In Sri Lanka, traditional physicians still treat patients successfully using herbs. Traditional medicines has a very long history: it is the sum total of the practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences of different cultures and times, often inexplicable, used in the maintenance of health, as like in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement and treatment of illnesses. 

The aim of this study is to make the society aware of traditional believes of many herbs which grow naturally, without any effort or outlay of money from the farmers, and to protect and propagate planned cultivation of such herbs. This would make many highly useful medicinal plants freely available to the public. In the long run, with proper planning and support, the growing and marketing of medicinal herbs could become a very good source of income to the country, while providing an additional, easily available source of natural medicines to the populace. 

Data submitted here was gathered from local knowledge on Ayurveda and traditional medicine, research work and from text-books. According to this study, some of the herbs are used singly or as an ingredient of compound medicines, in Sri Lanka to cure several diseases.

The following topics are critically reviewed in this page. 
  1. Peoples’ Believes on Therapeutic Values of Herbals in Sri Lanka
